Thats soo
awesome that Ryan is going and Brent is home now! Miss the whole family
but I know they will all be there in 11 months more haha! And i know we
are all gonna live together in the Celestial Kingdom eating mexican food
and doing our awesome traditions! Wow, 2 years? Felicitaciones a Katie y
a Sid! Doesnt seem that long!
it rained a ton sunday...i hate the chilean rain haha its so cold but
it actually wasnt that bad, i was all wrapped up as you can see in the
picture. And we wonder why they think we are the CIA...hhaha all black
everything! But it was still a slower week. My companion kinda got sick
in an exchange. We arent sure but we think its because we ate pig head
(ill send a picture!) and he ate the eye...Haha but hes all good now. I
love him hes so crazy! But we had some sweet lessons. One was with a
family last night and the son doesnt really know if God exists but he
wants to study all the religions. He read a lot of stuff on the internet
about Mormons but then he watched ``Meet the Mormons'' in English (he
lived in New Zealand and hes so legit) and realized the internet lied
about our religion. We taught them about the Restauration and he wants
to know more! They are really good people.
there is a family here in the ward and the wife´s cousin lives in my
old sector and i helped her husband come back to church when i was
there! He came over and ate lunch with us (when we had lunch with his
wife´s cousin) and it was so legit to talk with him. He has a calling
now and hes visiting less active people! That was so awesome to see him
and talk about my old ward. I know that this work is hard but its so
worth it! Its sweet to see people changing and see myself changing all
the time! I love you guys and hope you all can make changes in your own
life every day!
Elder Farnsworth
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