Monday, May 25, 2015

Feliz Cumpleanos!!!

Hola familia!
So you saw pictures because it was Cesars birthday last saturday and we ate duck and rice and something called Yucca i think but it was like a potatoe. It was awesome, and they killed a guinea pig thing when we were there and they are gonna make it next week! Thanks to everyone who wrote Happy birthday! Sorry if i cant respond to everyone! Wow feels weird, 19 and almost half my mission, 11 months. Im gonna finish so young! 
This week we had to go 2 days to do the visa for my comp. normally there are a lot of people going at the same time so all the senior comps pair up and go back to a sector for the day because the visa takes forever, BUT my comp was the only one...So i got the pleasure to be there too!! haha its so long but its all good PACIENCE! And the Lord blessed us soo much still because that took away basically 2 days but we still taught 31 lessons! And there were 3 investigators in the church and 3 new investigators that showed up later for the 2nd and 3rd hour so basically 6! It was a fun week and this next week is gonna be fun too! We had zone activity right now and we played volleyball and ate Churripanes that are chorizo with a bread! The Zone Leaders bought some cakes for my comps birthday today! and We surprised him it was sick! we didnt even know! This week im reading a ton of Book of Mormon to catch up cause we have to finish it for the goal of the mission (5 months ending may 31). It is amazing what i learn. Its amazing what ive already learned in less than 11 months in the mission. Ive learned so much doctrine, but at the same time ive learned how to be a better person. I still fail and lack a lot more but its crazy the progress that the mission does. I hope every youth can go on a mission, but i hope that you can all prepare yourself. Its physically hard, at least here, we walk a lot. Its emotional hard, people are going to be racist or rude or hate you for wanting to help and give them the knowledge of the eternal life. Its spiritually tough, you have to see people take wrong choices and fail time after time. But its physically a blessing, you will grow and be strengthned physically and you will be able to do harder things. Its emotionally rewarding, you will be able to withstand reject and rude comments in the future. And its a spiritual miracle. You will change yourself. I promise all of you from the bottom of my heart that there is nothing better than the mission and a worthy mission with all your heart. Love you all, thanks for everything.
Elder Farnsworth

Photo. My comp cutting cake and me being weird..idk

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