Hola familia! como estan en gringolandia?
The week sounds calm but a bit hectic like every week there haha! How are the missionaries there? How much time
do they have in the mission? Haha i felt the same way with the bishops son here, they always talked about him
then he actually came home and i know him now. This week was pretty good, with some funny stories! First, Paola
and Nuvia are going back to Brasil but we said that we are waiting for news of her baptism! Then that night, we just
decided to order pizza which is really expensive but oh well! Im trying to send pictures for like the first time and it
isnt working...we had another intercambio with our district leader but i went with his companion who is really new in
the mission. It was fun but nothing really happened that was too funny. Supposedly there was a earthquake but i
was sleeping.
The other day we were walking to a house and we saw the gangsters that i know. They started to talk with us and
were asking about what we do and if we thought marijuana was bad haha. But they respected what we do and
thought it was really cool. Then all of a sudden, one takes out his phone and says ``selfie!´´ and took a selfie with us.
Then the others wanted a photo so we took a picture with grafitti of Colo colo a soccer team here and they converted
me. haha im going to try and get the picture from them. We contacted a reference and they had weed and two huge
plants of marijuana too....and they said we had to smoke if we came in so we just left haha. These people...
Side note that has nothing to do with anything, i made crepes yesterday and they were really good and i dont know
how i did it. thats all.
My companion and I are reading a talk that i think in English is called Nothing Shall Offend Them by Bednar and we
are going to apply this with the people here. Basically it talkes about how nothing can offend us. We choose to be
offended. And if we are not going to church and renewing our convanants with God for someone else or because
someone ``offended us´´ we are losing out on blessing and the ward is losing out on a person that could strengthn
the ward. Every person is needed and wanted. We need to extend our hand and time to the people who are
struggling. We are continuing with our goal of reading the book of mormon in 5 months. We are giving people the
quote from Marion G Romney about the book of mormon from 1980. Its really cool! I hope we can all complete with
out part and receive the blessings of the Book! Love you guys and only want the best for everyone back home and
the ward!
Elder Farnsworth
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