IM STAYING! GALVARINO FOR LIFE haha but im staying with elder pinilla! Elder Swan that was in Galvarino 2 this
change with us is going to the Easter Island! But there werent many changes in my district so thats cool! and yes
the box came! it was the coolest!! i love you guys everyone that sent something. And thanks to the Beecrofts!! That
shirt is so awesome, where did you get it? It says my mission with a map of Chile! And thats soooo sweet about
Malik! how is he? is he going to play with Red mountain this season? wow thats crazy. im gonna visit him when i
finish my mission hahaha he will be there close. Hows the team, have they played yet?
Well with those lessons that i told to dad that was with less actives or converts. But we need to find more people
to teach...our old friend went to the church with his inactive wife! But we found out that they arent married....ugh.
So they need to figure that out and set a date with the court to get married but we will see..But last monday was
Elder Pinilla´s birthday so lots of people gave us cake and stuff so thats legit. And we got permission to watch
Ephraims Rescue with people in the Church for a activity and thats a really good movie! Wow the things that the
pioneers went through. Crazy. Oh, the cultural celebration video came and that was cool to remember and think
about how it was!
This week in church there was a lot of people that havent gone for a long time! But at the same time, a lot of people
on vaccation. In summer here they dont go because they are on vaccation in the south or at the beach the WHOLE
SUMMER. And in winter they say they dont go because its cold and they didnt want to get out of bed...but after
March when they all come back from summer, it should be a ton of people until it gets cold in May. Crazy, i stay.
Im going to have more than 7 months in my first sector with 2 companions. But the ward is sweet and we will find
the people that i dont already know. They arent many tho! haha i know everyone.
We had a CCM-M or basically a MTC for the Members. We taught how to teach basically haha and how to do the
visits better and go to lessons with us and stuff like that. Its really important to know this because we need to be
visiting the people in the ward. Whether it be home teaching or visiting teaching or helping a friend. We are all
brothers and sisters. If my sisters were lost physically, i would go to look for them. Our brothers and sisters are
lost spiritually. We can go help them. The picture is from the activity! and the other picture is the district but we
all stayed so its all good haha. I love you guys! Keep up the good work there at home!
Love Elder Farnsworth
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