Monday, August 3, 2015

Wow so you are changing everything in the house! Should be crazy to see it! And thats awesome for Isaac and Alizabeth!! Wow two people in the same ward to Africa!
So this week was pretty good. We had a fast with the mission to find the people that are ready basically and we finished the fast and that same day a lady stopped us and told us she was looking for a church! Unfortunately her daughter got sick right before Sunday but i truly believe that the fast helped us with that. Its so amazing how the Lord works. We have contacted many people that seem so ready to receive us! But we can never find them. President told me one time that there are missionaries that work the earth like plow it and everything, others that plant the seed, and others that reap the rewards. I believe we might be working the earth right now so that in the future, the seeds are planted and the fruit harvested. I know that we are doing everything we can and im getting along great with my comp. Neither one of us really have problems with people now because i think i have finally learned patience and love for others haha so i try to see their point of view and i realize they arent perfect either. It makes life a lot better and i know thats the only way we can have successful relationships and marriages. I love the scriptures, prayer, fast, and Sacrament that all help me to be a better person. I have realized how far i have come in this short time and how much i have to go..but i dont need to be perfect at the end of my mission, thats impossible. Just as close to Christ as i can. Love you all!
Elder Farnsworth

So its been really foggy these last couple of days...and my comp had to have an eye check up in a really rich part that isnt our mission so i took a pic haha. That was Nate Lee´s mish! #clinicaalemana


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